Adams County Community Foundation Strengthens Local Nonprofits With $100,000 in New Grants

The Adams County Community Foundation has announced $100,000 in grants to local nonprofits through its Adams County Grants program. Adams County Grants are made possible by donors who contribute to The Fund for Adams County, the Community Foundation’s growing, permanent endowment for the needs of the community today and the future.

Community Foundation CEO Ralph Serpe said, “These donors all care deeply about Adams County and understand the Community Foundation’s duty to use their gifts to address the needs of Adams County residents.”

The Arc of York & Adams County
$25,000 to assist families with students in Special Education by linking them to support groups and helping them participate more fully in the community.

Hoffman Homes for Youth
to expand the psychiatric outpatient clinic with additional staff to offer mental health care to the general public.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
for building renovations to an outreach center serving people in need of emergency food and clothing in York Springs.

South Central Community Action Programs (SCCAP)
$25,000 to support “AtHome in Adams County) an Initiative to create more housing in line with Adams County wages and development of livable wage jobs.

United Way of Adams County
for computer and phone system upgrades to improve efficiency and facilitate better service to people in need across Adams County.

Adams County Grants are supported by donors who have created their own charitable funds to be used by the Community Foundation to address the current and evolving needs of Adams County. These funds include those named for Thomas E. & Florence B. Metz, Jack & Bobbie Phillips, John S. & Kimberly L. Phillips, Sidney S. Ehrhart & Sally Yelland Ehrhart, Eric & Suzanne Flynn, Thomas P. & Roberta C. Henninger, Fred & Rita Diehl, Donald H. & Mildred C. Hershey, M.C. Jones, Sharon Trew Cline Magraw, Charles Ritter, James D. & Eleanor B. Sheen, Luther and Lois Smith, George & Roberta Wood, and the legacy of founding father Ben Franklin.

About the Adams County Community Foundation

The Adams County Community Foundation was created to promote and facilitate charitable giving and to build a permanent civic endowment for Adams County. In addition to The Fund for Adams County, the Community Foundation also provides a home for a variety of charitable funds created by donors including endowments directed to a specific organization or purpose, scholarship funds, and donor-advised funds, which may make grants anywhere in Pennsylvania or across the country.

More information is available at


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